Naked Polish Women Tags
It's not the first time a group of people have stripped naked at a Holocaust memorial site. In March, a band of men and women in their 20s reportedly slaughtered a sheep at Auschwitz, took off all their clothes, and chained themselves to its iconic Arbeit macht frei (or "work makes you free") gate. Jewish groups and museum officials were outraged by the bizarre display, and police couldn't figure out why it went down in the first place. Just like Żmijewski, the culprits apparently recorded the ritual.
The video shows several naked men and women playing a game of tag inside what its creators said was a gas chamber without divulging further details. The Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow displayed the video in 2015, causing controversy.
World Jewish Congress (WJC) President Ronald S. Lauder today criticized the Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow (MOCAK), Poland for reinstating an art installation that features a video of naked men and women playing tag in a gas chamber.
Although the video was filmed and displayed at art exhibitions years ago, researchers just recently discovered it was filmed inside the Stutthof concentration camp in Poland, prompting further outcry and clarification from Polish leaders.Artist Artur Żmijewski shot the video in 1999 and it was later displayed, with some controversy, at a 2015 exhibition called Poland - Israel - Germany - The experience of Auschwitz at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow, the Times of Israel reported. In the film, naked men and women file into the gas chamber at Stutthof and proceed to run around, laughing, playing tag for nearly five minutes. 2b1af7f3a8