Vector Works 2016 Crack 23
Of the factors that can affect the drive’s effectiveness, the main ones are the size of the population of target insects, the fitness cost of the drive element, the fitness costs of the drive’s intended outcome (if any) and the copy efficiency of the drive’s drive element. Although we are not aware of any current efforts to suppress vector mosquitoes, some theoretical models have been carried out by Burt63 and Zhou68 that look at the future effectiveness of the drive. Burt63’s model is based on the suppressive action of the Pringle drive, and Zhou68’s model is based on the lethal action of the p-lethal drive. The main differences between these two models are the actual fitness costs of the two outcomes of the drive, and the copy efficiency of the drive element. They predict that, regardless of the cost of the drive-outcome, the suppression of vector insects will reach equilibrium in populations of an infinite size when the drive’s drive element has a copy efficiency of less than 0.36 (Fig. 3). However, any lower-efficiency drive element would be unable to suppress the target insects in populations of an infinite size (Fig. 3), because this would result in the mutation and selection of drive-resistant individuals, as shown in Fig. 2. Hence, the use of a gene drive element would be limited to situations where the target insects are present in a population that is too large for mutation and selection of drive-resistant individuals to remove, such as in mosquito populations with a low population density or a long generation time. The copy efficiency and the fitness cost of the drive-outcome are also important parameters. Although the drive could potentially be more efficient if the fitness cost of the drive-outcome is higher, it would be less effective if the fitness cost of the drive-outcome is too high. In contrast, even with a high fitness cost of the drive-outcome, the drive would be more efficient if the fitness cost of the drive-outcome is lower (Fig. 3). Zhou68’s model predicts that the better the fitness of the drive-outcome, the less efficient the drive will be. For example, p-lethal drives with fitness costs of 1, 2 and 3 are predicted to reach equilibrium in populations of an infinite size when the copy efficiency of the drive is less than 0.37, 0.20 and 0.11, respectively (Fig. 3).
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