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The above command installs Kong in the default namespace. List the services in that namespace with kubectl get svc and note the external IP of the kong-kong-let-bindings service. I associated that IP with a wildcard DNS entry like * That allows me to create an ingress for
There is no sign up required to use this free services. You just create wildcard using this domain and include your IP in the new domain name and start using that in your applications or some other projects. Whatever domain you create will always be resolved to the supplied IP in it.
Keep in mind that is maintained by the kind and gracious Sam Stephenson,not by a member of the Sandstorm team. If you want to run your own wildcard DNS service similar inside your own organization, you can do so by downloadingxipd which Sam generously licensed as open source software.You can also set up your own * subdomain within your organization's domain. d2c66b5586