Canon Paperport Scanner Software Download =LINK=
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Intelligent software: maximum control and productivity. Each of our scanners comes with a collection of software that adds extra features, optimises image quality, and makes it easier to operate for maximum productivity. See below for the benefits that our software bundles can bring and download our software matrix for information on which scanner meets your needs:
CaptureOnTouch LiteThis software is embedded in the P-215 mobile scanner. It offers unique portability and convenience while on the move, allowing fast and effortless connectivity without the need to install any drivers or application software. A plug-in SDK is also available for customised connectivity.
Download drivers, software and manuals and get access to online technical support resources and troubleshootingPlease select your scanner below in order to access the latest downloads including drivers, software, manuals or firmware.
Auto Check for Available Drivers & Software Visioneer Update will automatically detect your scanner and check for the latest drivers and bundled software. You may choose to use Update or you may download only the driver and software you need from the links below. Be advised that many of the bundled software packages can only be downloaded through Visioneer Update or the installation DVD. For technical support, please contact us.
Driver and application software files have been compressed.The following instructions show you how to download the compressed files and decompress them.1. To download files, click the file link, select [Save], and specify the directory where you want to save the file. The download will start automatically. 2. Downloaded files are saved in the specified folder in a self-extracting format (.exe format).3. Double-click the files to decompress them. A new folder will be created in the same folder. The new folder will have the same name as the compressed file.4. Double-click the decompressed SETUP.exe file to start installation.
This software is no longer available for the download. This could be due to the program being discontinued, having a security issue or for other reasons.
For added value, the DR-3010C comes bundled with Canon's CapturePerfect, Canon CaptureOnTouch, Nuance eCopy PDF Pro Office, Presto! BizCard Reader SE, PaperPort Standard, OmniPage SE software, Kofax VRS and Nocson EasyConnect (available via download from the Nocson website) software and a full featured ISIS®/TWAIN driver.
Driver and application software files have been compressed.The following instructions show you how to download the compressed files and decompress them.1. To download files, click the file link, select [Save], and specify the directory where you want to save the file. The download will start automatically.2. Downloaded files are saved in the specified folder in a self-extracting format (.exe format).3. Double-click the files to decompress them. A new folder will be created in the same folder. The new folder will have the same name as the compressed file.4. Double-click the decompressed Setup.exe file to start installation.
Visioneer, the original developer of PaperPort, first released its predecessor, MaxMate document communications software bundled with the MaxMate scanner and MaxMate Viewer software, in 1994 for DOS, Windows and Macintosh.[4] The software used a visual metaphor for dragging pages and typewriter function for annotating electronic documents. Its form-filling tool recognized lines in scanned forms to allow filling in fields and printing completed forms, replacing the laborious old method of typing entries into paper forms. It integrated with optical character recognition (OCR) software for converting scanned paper documents into editable electronic documents.[4]
Take document management to the next level with the easy-to-use but powerful software helping you to get the most from your Canon scanner. Scan, organize, search and share documents to eliminate paper clutter and effectively organize your home office.Compatibility: Windows
Never lose touch with your business contact thanks to the Presto! BizCard software for your scanner. It helps you quickly and easily convert the vital contact information from business cards into a searchable and editable digital database that can be easily managed and synchronised.Compatibility: Windows, Mac
When you know how to download Canon Lide 110 Scanner driver and install correctly, you may then make the most of the impressive capabilities of your scanner. Having up-to-date software installed ensures that you have access to:
If the scanned image is clipped or has the wrong dimensions, then specify the image size in the preview panel for the scanner software. For instructions on specifying the image size, see the documentation included with the scanner.
Canon Europe a anuntat lansarea modelului imageFORMULA P-215, cel mai rapid scaner USB din industrie destinat birourilor mici sau profesioniştilor ce lucrează la distanţă. Noul scanner portabil cu design ultra compact este compatibil cu sistemele de operare Mac şi PC şi sprijină mobilitatea prin capacitatea de a scana direct câtre aplicaţii din Cloud, precum GoogleDocs, Evernote şi SharePoint.Alimentat prin cablu USB, imageFORMULA P-215 poate procesa până la 15 pagini pe minut şi este capabil să scaneze la o singură trecere ambele feţe ale unui document. Scanerul include un sertar automat de alimentare a documentelor cu o capacitate de până la 20 de coli, economisind timp preţios atunci când se scanează documente cu mai multe pagini.Datorită softului CaptureOnTouch Lite integrat, utilizatorii pot folosi modelul P-215 aproape imediat fără a fi necesară instalarea unui soft sau driver adiţional. P-215 include drivere ISIS / TWAIN pentru utilizatorii de Windows şi un driver TWAIN pentru utilizatorii de Mac, oferind astfel conectivitate la standardele din industrie şi utilizare cu o varietate de aplicaţii pentru imagine.P-215 integreză un sertar special pentru scanarea cărţilor de identitate sau a cardurilor în relief, fiind ideal pentru afaceri din domeniul asigurărilor şi a serviciilor financiare, unde dovada actului de identitate este necesară pentru înregistrate de noi conturi sau la închiderea unei tranzacţii.Sean Suematsu, director al departamentului European Document Scanning Solutions Canon Europe, a declarat, "Desfăşurarea activităţii de la distanţă a fost una ditren condiţiile de bază pentru o soluţie de scanare. Indiferent dacă lucrezi la birou, de acasă sau pe drum, există o nevoie tot mai mare de digitalizare rapidă, precisă şi uşoară a documentelor. Posibilitatea de a scana direct la biroul central sau câtre aplicaţii găzduite în cloud înseamnă că poţi lucra mai productiv - Indiferent unde te afli ""Noul ImageFORMULA P-215 se bazează pe succesul obţinut de modelele P-150 şi P-150M, fiind îmbunătăţit cu o serie de progrese tehnologice care satisfac nevoile clienţilor noştri pentru o scanare portabilă de mare viteză. Profesioniştii vor aprecia cu siguranţă dimensiunile sale compacte şi design-ul elegant."Calitatea la scanare este asigurată de o rezoluţie optică ridicată(maxim 600 dpi) şi caracteristici avansate de procesare a imaginii, cum ar fi detectarea automată a dimensiunii paginii, post procesarea, orientarea automată a textului si detectarea culorii. Noul scaner portabil vine dotat cu o varietate de aplicaţii software puternice, precum CaptureOnTouch, ce oferă o procesare de imagine îmbunătăţită şi scanare la mai multe formate de fişiere precum PDF, PDF / A, TIFF, JPEG şi PowerPoint. PageManager (Mac) şi PaperPort (PC), împreună cu softul BizCard ajută la gestionarea eficientă a documentelor digitale, făcând din P-215 o soluţie de scanare puternică, portabilă şi eficientă.ImageFORMULA P-215 va fi disponibil în Europa de la începutul lunii ianuarie 2012. 2b1af7f3a8